
Kỹ Năng Từ Vựng SAT 2 - Bài học 28


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SAT Word Skills 2
to conform

to think or act similar to most people in a particular society or group

làm cho thích hợp

làm cho thích hợp

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[Động từ]

willing to go along with group behaviors, standards, or popular opinions rather than standing apart

phù hợp

phù hợp

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[Tính từ]

the act of following or obeying the rules of something particular

sự phù hợp

sự phù hợp

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[Danh từ]

the structure and positioning of all the physical components that make up an organism or object

y theo

y theo

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[Danh từ]

a person who goes along with majority opinions, religious norms, and cultural conventions without critical questioning

chủ nghỉa thủ cựu

chủ nghỉa thủ cựu

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[Danh từ]

the act of adhering to established norms, protocols, and standardized behaviors within a social system or institution

đúng theo

đúng theo

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(of theories) lacking a sustainable evidentiary or rational basis against challenges to its validity

không thể bào chữa được

không thể bào chữa được

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[Tính từ]

not clearly defined in terms of time, quantity, quality, or outcome

không xác định

không xác định

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cannot be erased or disappeared, often leaving a trace that remains visible or detectable

không thể xóa được

không thể xóa được

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[Tính từ]

the quality or state of existing across extended periods unchanged in essence

sự có luôn luôn

sự có luôn luôn

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[Danh từ]

continuing to exist all the time or remaining without change for a long time

Vĩnh viễn

Vĩnh viễn

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[Tính từ]

(chemistry) the splitting of a heavy and unstable atomic nucleus into lighter parts

cách sanh sản phân thể

cách sanh sản phân thể

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(in geology) a narrow break or crack that partially divides a rock or surface without completely separating it

đường hở

đường hở

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[Danh từ]

the ability to dissolve in a liquid

độ hòa tan

độ hòa tan

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(of a substance) able to break up and disperse within a fluid

hòa tan

hòa tan

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[Tính từ]

a liquid that is capable of dissolving another substance

dung môi (hóa học)

dung môi (hóa học)

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[Danh từ]
to juggle

to continuously toss and catch multiple objects, such as balls or clubs skillfully without dropping them

dùng mánh khoé để lừa

dùng mánh khoé để lừa

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[Động từ]

an entertaining performance or act that involves tossing and catching of props like balls, clubs, or knives

trò lừa bịp

trò lừa bịp

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not sharing any form of similarity

khác nhau

khác nhau

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a noticeable and often significant difference or inequality between two or more things

khác biệt

khác biệt

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