书籍 Insight - 中高级 - 7 - 7A 单元
在这里你可以找到Insight中高级教材第7-7A单元的词汇,例如“milestone”、“wear off”、“postpone”等。
new lease of life
another chance for someone to become more healthy, energetic, or adopting a more optimistic view on life
the prime of one's life
a time in one's life when one is in the peak of one's physical condittion
an event or stage that has a very important impact on the progress of something

里程碑, 重要事件

to cross off
to mark an item or task on a list as completed or canceled by drawing a line through it

划掉, 取消

bucket list
a list of experiences, achievements, or goals that a person wishes to accomplish or fulfill during their lifetime

愿望清单, 待完成的事项清单

to postpone
to arrange or put off an activity or an event for a later time than its original schedule

延期, 推迟

all the time
regularly and continuously with little or no interruption, exception, or pause

一直, 始终

