'Because' and 'so' may confuse learners as they are both conjunctions. In this lesson, we will learn their differences.

"Because" vs. "So" in the English grammar

What Is Their Main Difference?

The main difference between 'because' and 'so' is in their parts of speech. 'Because' is subordinating conjunction while 'so' is a coordinating conjunction.


Parts of Speech

As mentioned above, 'because' and 'so' are conjunction however they are classified in different conjunction types:

I ordered groceries online because we were out of them.

We were out of groceries, so I ordered them online.


'Because' and 'so' convey different meanings therefore they are used in different contexts.

  • 'Because' expresses the cause of an action or event:

Harry didn't come to the party because he was not invited.

  • 'So' expresses the result of an action or event:

Harry wasn't invited, so he didn't come to the party.

Position in a Sentence

'Because' can be placed at the beginning and at the middle of the sentence:

She is here because she wants to defend herself.

Because she wants to defend herself, she is here.

  • 'So,' however, cannot be place at the beginning of the sentence and must be placed between the two independent clauses:

✓ Be careful when you run, so you don't fall.

So you don't fall, be careful when you run.


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