A2 Level Wordlist - Cinema and Theater
Here you will learn some English words about cinema and theater, such as "acting", "audience", and "role", prepared for A2 learners.
a part of a movie, play or book in which the action happens in one place or is of one particular type
the main male character in a story, book, movie, etc., often known for his bravery and other great qualities
the main female character in a story, book, film, etc., typically known for great qualities
a movie or TV show, made by photographing a series of drawings or models rather than real people or objects
a story about a crime, typically a murder, and a detective who tries to solve it
a movie or TV program based on true stories giving facts about a particular person or event
a report that is published in a newspaper or a magazine, in which someone gives an opinion of a play, movie, book, etc.
the act of presenting something such as a play, piece of music, etc. for entertainment
a series of performances of music, plays, movies, etc. typically taking place in the same location every year