English Result - Pre-intermediate - Unit 4 - 4A
Here you will find the vocabulary from Unit 4 - 4A in the English Result Pre-Intermediate coursebook, such as "blanket", "soap", "receptionist", etc.
a space in a building with walls, a floor, and a ceiling where people do different activities
a large piece of fabric made of wool, cotton, or other materials that is used to keep warm or to provide comfort, used on beds, sofas, chairs, etc.
a small device that lets you control electrical or electronic devices like TVs from a distance
a cloth bag stuffed with soft materials that we put our head on when we are lying or sleeping
a large, thin, and rectangular piece of cloth that is spread on a bed to lie under or on top of it
a cylindrical roll of paper used for personal hygiene after using the toilet, typically placed on a holder or stand in a bathroom