Total English - Pre-intermediate - Unit 2 - Reference
Here you will find the vocabulary from Unit 2 - Reference in the Total English Pre-Intermediate coursebook, such as "composer", "heavy metal", "speech", etc.
music that is rooted in Western traditions and known for its complexity and lasting cultural significance
music that originates from and reflects the traditional culture of a particular region or community, often featuring acoustic instruments and storytelling lyrics
loud, energetic genre of rock music characterized by powerful guitar melodies, strong drum beats, and intense vocals
popular music featuring rap that is set to electronic music, first developed among black and Hispanic communities in the US
a music genre that emphasizes improvisation, complex rhythms, and extended chords, originated in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
a genre of music that originated in Jamaica, characterized by a steady rhythm, offbeat accents, and lyrics often addressing social and political themes
a type of music popularized by African American musicians that expresses strong and deep emotions
a number of music pieces or songs sold as a single item, normally on a CD or the internet
a CD or a musical record that has only one main song, often released separately from an album to promote it
a group of dancers and singers who perform in a musical show, typically providing supporting or background roles and enhancing the main performance
something that is unsuccessful or fails to meet expectations, such as a movie, play, or product
a musical piece that represents or is closely associated with a particular television show, movie, video game, event, or other media production
anything that is given as a reward to someone who has done very good work or to the winner of a contest, game of chance, etc.
the act of trying to achieve a goal by doing better than others who are also aiming for the same goal
the highest level of success or popularity achieved in a particular field or category, as represented by ranking lists or charts
popular music, especially with young people, consisting a strong rhythm and simple tunes