
Verbs of Physical and Social Lifestyle - Verbs for the Cycle of Life

Here you will learn some English verbs referring to cycle of life such as "birth", "mature", and "die".









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Categorized English Verbs of Physical and Social Lifestyle
to conceive

to become pregnant or to start the process of having a baby

to reproduce

(of a living being) to produce offspring or more of itself

to procreate

to produce offspring sexually, typically involving the union of male and female reproductive cells

to birth

to deliver an offspring

to breastfeed

to feed an infant or young child directly from the mother's breast, providing essential nutrition through breast milk

to wean

to gradually reduce or stop a baby's dependency on breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, introducing them to other foods and drinks

to grow up

to change from being a child into an adult little by little

to grow out of

(of children) to become too big to fit into one's old clothes or belongings

to mature

to develop mentally, physically, and emotionally

to age

to get older

to die

to no longer be alive

to perish

to lose one's life, often terribly or suddenly

to pass on

to no longer be alive

to pass away

to no longer be alive

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