المنزل والحديقة - Kitchenware
ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بأدوات المطبخ مثل "spatula" و"funnel" و"colander".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a kitchen tool used to remove the core and seeds from apples, leaving the flesh intact for various culinary purposes

أداة إزالة قلب التفاح, مُزيل بذور التفاح

a kitchen tool designed to cut apples into slices or wedges for easy and convenient snacking or cooking

قطاعة تفاح, مقطع تفاح

a kitchen tool used to suction up juices or liquid from a container and then dispense them over food for basting

مغرفة, ممزّق

a long, serrated knife designed specifically for slicing through bread and other baked goods without crushing or squishing them

سكين خبز, سكين مسننة

a device used to slice cheese into thin, uniform pieces, typically consisting of a cutting wire or blade and a handle

قطّاعة جبن, آلة تقطيع الجبن

a lightweight, gauzy fabric commonly used in cooking and food preparation to strain liquids, bundle herbs and spices, and wrap cheese

شاش, قماش الجبن

a kitchen tool specifically designed for removing pits from cherries, making it easier to enjoy the fruit without the pits

أداة إزالة النوى للكرز, كاتم النوى للكرز

a plastic or metal bowl with many holes that is used for separating water from washed or cooked food

مصفاة, مصفاة الطعام

a small tool with a pointy spiral metal for pulling out corks from bottles

فتاحة زجاجات, قضيب فتاح

a wooden or plastic board on which meat or vegetables are cut

لوح تقطيع, طاولة تقطيع

a glass object showing three to five minutes by sand flow, used to measure the time it takes to boil eggs

مؤقت البيض, ساعة رملية

a kitchen tool with a broad and flat part on one end, used for turning and lifting food

ملعقة مسطحة

a flat kitchen utensil with a long handle used to lift and flip foods, such as pancakes, burgers, and vegetables, while cooking

مِلعَقَة, ملعقة مسطحة

a cone-shaped kitchen tool used for pouring liquids or powders into a container with a small opening without spilling

قمع, funnel

a kitchen tool having a surface with sharped holes used for cutting food into very small pieces

مبشرة, مبشرة مطبخ

a kitchen tool with many holes used for separating solid materials from liquids

مصفاة, غربال

a handheld tool with a conical ridged end used for manually extracting juice from citrus fruits like lemons, limes, and oranges

عصارة, عصارة الحمضيات

a handheld tool designed to extract juice from fruits and vegetables by applying pressure to the fruit while it is placed in the device

عصارة, ضغط عصير

a container with numbers on it for measuring the quantity of something when cooking, used mainly in the US

كوب قياس, كأس قياس

a kitchen tool, usually a mallet or a spiked device, used to physically break down the muscle fibers and connective tissue of tough cuts of meat to make it more tender

مدقّق اللحم, مطرقة اللحم

a kitchen tool used to grind whole peppercorns into a finer powder

مطحنة فلفل, مطحنة توابل

a thick, insulated pad or cloth used in the kitchen to protect hands from hot cookware or to grip and handle hot pots, pans, and dishes safely

قفاز المطبخ, ممسك

a cylindrical, usually wooden, kitchen tool with handles, used to flatten dough or pastry

شوبك, مدلك العجين

a tool with many small holes and a wire net used for separating solid materials from smaller ones or liquids

منخل, مصفاة

a type of wire-mesh skimmer used to remove food items from hot liquids or oil, typically has a long handle and a shallow, wide wire basket similar to a spider's web

مصفاة, سبايدر

a kitchen tool designed to open metal cans by cutting through the top with a rotating blade and a serrated wheel

فتاحة علب, مفتاح علب

a strong, thin cord, often used in cooking to tie up meat or vegetables before cooking, or for bundling herbs or other food items together for easy removal from soups or stews

خيط, سلك

a handheld object with small pieces of curved wire used for whipping cream or eggs

خفاق, خفاقة

a kitchen tool designed to remove the zest, or the colored outer layer of citrus fruit, such as lemons, limes, and oranges, in thin strips or shreds

مبشرة قشر الح citrus, مقشرة الليمون

a small mesh or perforated device used to strain tea leaves or other solids from liquid tea when pouring from a teapot or teacup

منخل الشاي, مصفي الشاي

a protective textile glove used to handle hot cookware or bakeware in the oven

قفاز الفرن, قفاز الطبخ

a flat board or platter used to serve and display a variety of cheeses, often accompanied by other foods such as crackers, fruits, nuts, or meats

لوح الجبنة, صينية الجبنة

a large, sturdy, and durable wooden or plastic board used for chopping, slicing, and preparing food

لوح التقطيع, كتلة التقطيع

a kitchen tool used for slicing boiled eggs into even, thin slices

قطاعة البيض, أداة تقطيع البيض

a handheld kitchen tool with two or more beaters or whisks used to beat, whisk, or mix ingredients by hand

خلاط يدوي, مضرب

a pair of scissors specifically designed for use in the kitchen, typically used for cutting food items such as herbs, meats, or packaging

مقص المطبخ, مقص الطعام

a kitchen utensil with standardized capacities used for measuring small amounts of ingredients

ملعقة قياس, ملعقة مطبخ

a kitchen tool designed to mash cooked vegetables, fruits, or other foods into a soft and uniform texture

هَرسة, فرامة

a device used to measure the time that something takes, used when doing something such as cooking

مؤقت, عداد الزمن

a kitchen tool used for mashing and pureeing food into a fine and uniform texture, typically used for making mashed potatoes or baby food

مصفاة البطاطس, أداة هرس الطعام

a kitchen tool used in the production of cheese to press and shape the curds into a solid block or wheel

مكبس الجبن, ضغط الجبن

a kitchen tool used to store and dispense ground black pepper onto food

قارورة فلفل, مطحنة الفلفل

a container with a wide opening and a lid, typically made of glass or ceramic, used to store food such as honey, jam, pickles, etc.

جرّة, عُلبة

a shallow, rectangular or square-shaped container, often made of plastic, used for washing dishes by hand

حوض صحون, وعاء غسيل صحون

a kitchen gadget used to turn vegetables or fruits into spiral shapes

مُدوّر الخضار, أداة تدوير الخضار

a kitchen tool designed to quickly and easily slice fruits and vegetables into uniform pieces for cooking or serving

قطاعة خضار, مُقطِّع للخضار