المفاهيم والمشاعر - مشاعر سلبية
استكشف الأمثال الإنجليزية التي تصور المشاعر السلبية، بما في ذلك "الغيرة وحش ذو عيون خضراء" و"ليس العمل هو الذي يقتل، بل القلق".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
used to highlight the importance of controlling emotions and suggests that delaying a response to situations that cause anger can lead to a more appropriate reaction
الغضب هو الشيء الوحيد الذي يصبح أفضل بالتأخير
used to imply that one should not hold onto feelings of anger or resentment for too long and should strive to resolve conflicts or issues before the end of the day
used to suggest that stress and anxiety can be more harmful to one's health and well-being than hard physical labor
used to suggest that excessive worry and anxiety can be more harmful than the actual event that is causing the worry
لا يمكنك أن تموت إلا مرة واحدة، فلا تموت ألف مرة وأنت قلق بشأن ذلك
used t suggest that being envious of others does not lead to personal success or enrichment, emphasizing the importance of focusing on one's own strengths and accomplishments
الحسد لم يثري أحدا أبدا
used to suggest that envy can harm oneself more than the person one is envious of, emphasizing the negative impact of envy on personal well-being and success
الحسد يطلق النار على الآخرين ويجرح نفسه
used to highlight the negative impact of jealousy on personal relationships, emphasizing its potential to breed resentment, suspicion, and destructive behavior
الغيرة وحش ذو عيون خضراء
used to imply that while aging may cause physical changes, a lack of passion or enthusiasm can have a more profound effect on one's inner self and sense of fulfillment
العمر قد يجعد الوجه، لكن قلة الحماس تجعّد الروح
used to imply that joy can be found even in difficult circumstances, and that a life without joy or happiness is lacking in richness and fulfillment
used to suggest that with the passage of time, the intensity of grief gradually decreases
used to suggest that feelings of guilt or unease can be a powerful motivator for someone to confess or seek forgiveness, even if no one else is aware of their wrongdoing
الضمير المذنب لا يحتاج إلى متهم
used for expressing jealousy over what someone already has or achieved without putting much effort
عمل جيد ان استعطت الحصول عليه