الأكاديمي IELTS (النطاق 6-7) - اللغة والقواعد
هنا، سوف تتعلم بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة باللغة والقواعد اللازمة لامتحان IELTS الأكاديمي.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
the study of the rules and different methods of using language in a way that is effective


(grammar) a letter or a set of letters that are added to the end of a word to alter its meaning and make a new word

لاحقة, مُلحق

(grammar) a letter or a set of letters that are added to the beginning of a word to alter its meaning and make a new word


each of two or more words with the same spelling or pronunciation that vary in meaning and origin


words, phrases, and expressions used by a specific group or profession, which are incomprehensible to others

مصطلحات, لغة خاصة

a word or phrase that is not formal or literary and is used in everyday conversations

كلمة عامية

an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of a group of words, which can be pronounced as a word


a person who can speak and understand two different languages with ease and fluency

ثنائي اللغة

a word or expression that is used instead of a harsh or insulting one in order to be more tactful and polite

تعبير ملطف

the use of the same letter or sound at the beginning of the words in a verse or sentence, used as a literary device

تكرار الحروف

(grammar) a word coming before a noun or noun phrase to specify its denotation

محدد, أداة التعريف