الأفعال المتعلقة بالموضوعات - الأفعال المتعلقة بالنار
هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الأفعال الإنجليزية التي تشير إلى النار مثل "انفجر"، "حرق"، و "خرج".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
to break apart violently and noisily in a way that causes destruction
ينفجر, يفجر
to suddenly and violently break open or apart, particularly as a result of internal pressure
انفجر, تحطم
to explode suddenly and violently due to a strong chemical or physical reaction
يفجر, ينفجر
to explode forcefully and releasing energy through a chemical or physical reaction
انفجر, يفجر
to erupt or burst forth with sudden and intense energy
ينفجر, يتفجر
(of a volcano) to explode and send smoke, lava, rocks, etc. into the sky
انفجر, ثوران
to burn or explode as a result of a chemical reaction with oxygen
تمت عملية الاحتراق, احترق
to lightly burn something, causing a change in color on its surface
حرق, شوي
to put out a flame, candle, etc. using the air in one's lungs
إطفاء, نفخ لإطفاء