Verbe Relate la Subiecte - Verbe legate de foc
Aici veți învăța câteva verbe în limba engleză care se referă la foc, cum ar fi „burst”, „burn” și „go out”.
Fișe de studiu
to break apart violently and noisily in a way that causes destruction
exploda, a exploda
to suddenly and violently break open or apart, particularly as a result of internal pressure
exploda, sparge
to violently damage or destroy something using explosives
exploda, distruge
to explode suddenly and violently due to a strong chemical or physical reaction
detona, exploda
to explode forcefully and releasing energy through a chemical or physical reaction
a exploda, a face să explodeze
to erupt or burst forth with sudden and intense energy
a exploda, a izbucni
(of a volcano) to explode and send smoke, lava, rocks, etc. into the sky
erupa, exploda
to burn or explode as a result of a chemical reaction with oxygen
ars, combustie
to lightly burn something, causing a change in color on its surface
a arde, a carboniza
(of fire or a light) to stop giving heat or brightness
a se stinge, a se închide
to put out a flame, candle, etc. using the air in one's lungs
stinge, sufla pentru a stinge