Slovesa Související s Tématem - Slovesa související s ohněm
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa odkazující na oheň, jako je „burst“, „burn“ a „go out“.
to break apart violently and noisily in a way that causes destruction
vybuchnout, explodovat
to suddenly and violently break open or apart, particularly as a result of internal pressure
prasknout, vybuchnout
to violently damage or destroy something using explosives
vyhodit do povětří, zničit
to explode suddenly and violently due to a strong chemical or physical reaction
detonovat, vybuchnout
to explode forcefully and releasing energy through a chemical or physical reaction
vybuchnout, vybuchat
(of a gun, bomb, etc.) to be fired or to explode
vybuchnout, vystřelit
to erupt or burst forth with sudden and intense energy
výbuch, vzplát
(of a volcano) to explode and send smoke, lava, rocks, etc. into the sky
erupovat, vybuchnout
to burn or explode as a result of a chemical reaction with oxygen
hořet, spalovat
to lightly burn something, causing a change in color on its surface
opálit, zčernat
to lightly burn the surface of something to enhance its color
zapečením, osmahnout
(of fire or a light) to stop giving heat or brightness
uhasínat, zhasnout
to put out a flame, candle, etc. using the air in one's lungs
sfouknout, uffnout