
Topic-Related Verbs - Verbs Related to Fire

Here you will learn some English verbs referring to fire such as "burst", "burn", and "go out".









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Categorized English Topic-related Verbs
to explode

to break apart violently and noisily in a way that causes destruction

to burst

to suddenly and violently break open or apart, particularly as a result of internal pressure

to blast

to violently damage or destroy something using explosives

to detonate

to explode suddenly and violently due to a strong chemical or physical reaction

to blow up

to explode forcefully and releasing energy through a chemical or physical reaction

to go off

(of a gun, bomb, etc.) to be fired or to explode

to fulminate

to erupt or burst forth with sudden and intense energy

to erupt

(of a volcano) to explode and send smoke, lava, rocks, etc. into the sky

to flame

to burn brightly in a hot gas

to combust

to catch fire

to flare

to burn and give off a strong light

to burn

to be on fire and be damaged by it

to char

to lightly burn something, causing a change in color on its surface

to sear

to lightly burn the surface of something to enhance its color

to blaze

to burn in a very bright and strong flame

to light

to set something on fire

to ignite

to cause something to catch fire

to go out

(of fire or a light) to stop giving heat or brightness

to blow out

to put out a flame, candle, etc. using the air in one's lungs

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