حروف العطف - اقترانات السبب والغرض
توضح أدوات العطف هذه سبب حدوث شيء ما أو الهدف الذي كان يدور في ذهن شخص ما عند القيام بشيء ما.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
used to introduce reasons, explanations, or purposes for actions, events, or statements
used to introduce a reason, cause, or explanation for the main clause
used to express that one is considering a particular fact before sharing one's opinion or making a judgment
used to expresse purpose or intention, explaining the reason behind the main clause
used to indicate a precaution or attempt to avoid a particular undesirable outcome
used to indicate a result or outcome related to what has just been said or happened
used to indicate that something is done with the aim of achieving a specific outcome
based on the reasons or justifications that are provided
used to introduce a condition that is considered as the basis for a particular action or decision