সাধারণ প্রশিক্ষণ IELTS (ব্যান্ড 5 এবং এর নীচে) - সমাজ এবং সামাজিক ঘটনা
এখানে, আপনি সোসাইটি এবং সোশ্যাল ইভেন্ট সম্পর্কিত কিছু ইংরেজি শব্দ শিখবেন যা সাধারণ প্রশিক্ষণ IELTS পরীক্ষার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয়।
people in general, considered as an extensive and organized group sharing the same laws


the number of people who live in a particular city or country

জনসংখ্যা, মানুষের সংখ্যা

a society that has developed its own culture and institutions in a particular period of time or place

সভ্যতা, সংস্কৃতি

(usually plural) the mutual interactions or connections established between individuals or groups

সম্পর্ক, সংযোগ

a number of things or people that have some sort of connection or are at a place together

গ团, সমষ্টি

the quality of being up-to-date or related to recent times, especially in culture, technology, or ideas


behavior and actions that most members of a society expect and consider appropriate

সামাজিক রীতি, সামাজিক নিয়ম

the fact or condition of being male, female or non-binary that people identify themselves with based on social and cultural roles

জেন্ডার, লিঙ্গ

each of the main groups into which humans can be divided based on their physical attributes such as the color of their skin

জাতি, বর্ণ

the process or activity of exchanging information or expressing feelings, thoughts, or ideas by speaking, writing, etc.

যোগাযোগ, সংজ্ঞান

a small group of people who differ in race, religion, etc. and are often mistreated by the society

অলচনবর্গ, সংখ্যাগরিষ্ঠ গোষ্ঠী

a group of people having the same economic or social status in a particular society

শ্রেণী, ক্যাটাগরি

a gathering or event where people come together to honor someone or something, often with food, music, and dancing

উৎসব, আনন্দ উৎসব

an event where people get together and enjoy themselves by talking, dancing, eating, drinking, etc.

পারিটি, সমাবেশ

a formal party held to celebrate an event or welcome someone

রিসেপশন, স্বাগত অনুষ্ঠান

a public event where people or vehicles orderly move forward, particularly to celebrate a holiday or special day

প্যারেড, মিছিল

a festival happening annually that involves dancing, music and colorful clothes


a formal public or religious occasion where a set of traditional actions are performed


an occasion when we pack food and take it to eat outdoors, typically in the countryside


a series of performances of music, plays, movies, etc. typically taking place in the same location every year

উৎসব, মেলা

the belief in a higher power such as a god and the activities it involves or requires

ধর্ম, বিশ্বাস