
500 أكثر الأفعال الإنجليزية شيوعاً - أعلى 476 - 500 الأفعال

هنا يتم تزويدك بالجزء 20 من قائمة الأفعال الأكثر شيوعاً في اللغة الإنجليزية مثل "bother"، و"haunt"، و"swim".




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Most Common Verbs in English Vocabulary
to overcome

to succeed in solving, controlling, or dealing with something difficult

يتغلب على, يتمكن من

يتغلب على, يتمكن من

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to bother

to annoy or trouble someone, especially when they are busy or want to be left alone

يُزعِج, يُضايق

يُزعِج, يُضايق

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to hunt

to pursue wild animals in order to kill or catch them, for sport or food

اصطاد, يبحث عن

اصطاد, يبحث عن

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to complain

to express your annoyance, unhappiness, or dissatisfaction about something

يشكو, يتذمر

يشكو, يتذمر

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to explode

to break apart violently and noisily in a way that causes destruction

ينفجر, يفجر

ينفجر, يفجر

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to swim

to move through water by moving parts of the body, typically arms and legs

يَسْبَحُ, السّباحة

يَسْبَحُ, السّباحة

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to collapse

(of a construction) to fall down suddenly, particularly due to being damaged or weak

انهار, تداعى

انهار, تداعى

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to honor

to show a lot of respect for someone or something

يُكرم, يُحترم

يُكرم, يُحترم

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to fry

to cook in hot oil or fat

قلى, حمّر

قلى, حمّر

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to exercise

to do physical activities or sports to stay healthy and become stronger

يمارس, يتدرب

يمارس, يتدرب

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to infect

to transmit a disease to a person, animal, or plant

عدوى, إصابة

عدوى, إصابة

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to delete

to remove a piece of data from a computer or smartphone

حذف, مسح

حذف, مسح

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to negotiate

to discuss the terms of an agreement or try to reach one



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to attend

to be present at a meeting, event, conference, etc.

حضور, الاشتراك في

حضور, الاشتراك في

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to convert

to change the form, purpose, character, etc. of something

تحويل, تغيير

تحويل, تغيير

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to impact

to have a strong effect on someone or something

تأثير على, يؤثر في

تأثير على, يؤثر في

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to shut

to close something

يغلق, يُقفل

يغلق, يُقفل

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to damage

to physically harm something

تضرر, أصاب

تضرر, أصاب

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to eliminate

to fully remove or get rid of something

إزالة, اقصاء

إزالة, اقصاء

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to accompany

to go somewhere with someone

يرافق, يذهب مع

يرافق, يذهب مع

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to guide

to direct or influence someone's motivation or behavior

يوجه, يؤثر

يوجه, يؤثر

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to ruin

to cause severe damage or harm to something, usually in a way that is beyond repair

يدمر, يخرب

يدمر, يخرب

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to demand

to ask something from someone in an urgent and forceful manner

يطالب, يطلب

يطالب, يطلب

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to excuse

to forgive someone for making a mistake, etc.

يعذر, يسامح

يعذر, يسامح

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to ride

to sit on open-spaced vehicles like motorcycles or bicycles and be in control of their movements

ركب, ركوب الدراجة

ركب, ركوب الدراجة

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