Kniha Insight - Předstředně pokročilý - Jednotka 2 - 2C
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Lekce 2 - 2C v učebnici Insight Pre-Intermediate, jako je „slyšící“, „chutné“, „podél“ atd.
any of the five natural abilities of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste
to notice the sound a person or thing is making
slyšet, vyslechnout
the ability to hear voices or sounds through the ears
sluch, nález
the body part that is in the middle of our face and we use to smell and breathe
the thin layer of tissue that covers the body of a person or an animal
kůže, pokožka
having a flavor that is pleasent to eat or drink
chutný, lahodný
the soft movable part inside the mouth used for tasting something or speaking
to put our hand or body part on a thing or person
dotknout se, tknout
an instance or act of seeing something through visual perception
zrak, pohled
capable of seeing unlike a blind person
vidící, schopen vidět
following the direction of a road, path, or any relatively flat surface
podél, dél
at a distance from someone, somewhere, or something
daleko, na vzdálenosti
due to a particular feeling or state of mind
z strachu, z důvodu strachu
used to indicate movement in a direction beyond or to the other side of someone or something
mimo, před
used to indicate movement or passage from one side or end to the other
skrz, přes
in the direction of a particular person or thing
směrem k, do směru