Kniha Insight - Předstředně pokročilý - Jednotka 3 - 3A
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z lekce 3 - 3A v učebnici Insight Pre-Intermediate, jako je „živina“, „životní cyklus“, „doprava“ atd.
things that people and animals eat, such as meat or vegetables
jídlo, potrava
the field of science that studies food and drink and their effects on the human body
a substance that is added in small quantities to something else to improve or preserve its quality, appearance, or effectiveness
the unit used to measure the amount of energy that a food produces
kalorie, kalorie
a substance that consists of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon that provide heat and energy for the body, found in foods such as bread, pasta, fruits, etc.
cílená, uhlík
a substance taken from animals or plants and then processed so that it can be used in cooking
tuk, masný tuk
a solid and natural substance that is not produced in the body of living beings but its intake is necessary to remain healthy
minerál, minerální látka
a substance such as a vitamin, protein, fat, etc. that is essential for good health and growth
živina, nutriční prvek
a substance found in food such as meat, eggs, seeds, etc. which is an essential part of the diet and keeps the body strong and healthy
a natural, white substance, obtained from mines and also found in seawater that is added to the food to make it taste better or to preserve it
a sweet white or brown substance that is obtained from plants and used to make food and drinks sweet
natural substances that are found in food, which the body needs in small amounts to remain healthy, such as vitamin A, B, etc.
all the different stages of grow and development of a living organism
životní cyklus, cyklus života
to take people, goods, etc. from one place to another using a vehicle, ship, or aircraft
transportovat, přepravovat
to put food or drinks in a refrigerator or other cold place to keep them cool or fresh
uchovávat v chladu, refrigerovat
to make something using raw materials or different components
produkovat, vyrábět
to get rid of what is not needed or wanted anymore
vyhodit, zbavit se
referring to products, actions, or practices that are designed to cause minimal harm to the environment
ekologický, přátelský k životnímu prostředí
(of a product or system) using less energy while still achieving the same level of performance or output
energeticky efektivní, úsporný v oblasti energie
any type of gas, particularly carbon dioxide, that contributes to global warming by trapping heat
skleníkový plyn, plyn skleníkového efektu
the increase in the average temperature of the Earth as a result of the greenhouse effect
globální oteplování, nárůst průměrné teploty Země
a place where garbage and waste materials are collected and disposed of
skládka, směsný odpad
a place where materials such as paper, plastic, glass, and metal are collected and sorted so they can be reused or turned into new products
recyklační středisko, sběrné místo pro recyklaci
the distance that food travels from its place of production to the consumer, typically measured in miles or kilometers
potravinová míle, vzdálenost potravin
to get larger and taller and become an adult over time
růst, zvětšovat se