Kniha Total English - Základní - Unit 7 - Reference
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Unit 7 - Reference v učebnici Total English Elementary, jako je „sebevědomý“, „vzhled“, „plešatý“ atd.
our or an animal's hands, legs, head, and every other part together

tělo, tělo zvířete

(of a person) having a height that is less than what is thought to be the average height

malý, nízký

(of a person) having a height that is greater than what is thought to be the average height

vysoký, vzdušný

the thin layer of tissue that covers the body of a person or an animal

kůže, pokožka

(of hair, skin, or eyes) characterized by a deep brown color that can range from light to very dark shades

tmavý, temný

(of a person's skin) having less color than usual, caused by fear, illness, etc.

bledý, žlutý

(of skin) having a dark shade because of direct exposure to sunlight

opálený, opálení

(of a person) approximately between 45 to 65 years old, typically indicating a stage of life between young adulthood and old age

středního věku, ve středním věku

your feelings or thoughts about a particular subject, rather than a fact

názor, stanovisko

having features or characteristics that are pleasing

atraktivní, přitažlivý

a pair of lenses set in a frame that rests on the nose and ears, which we wear to see more clearly


all the qualities that shape a person's character and make them different from others

osobnost, charakter

each of the twelve named divisions of the year, like January, February, etc.


the first month of the year, after December and before February

leden, měsíc leden

the 12th and last month of the year, after November and before January


having a color between white and black, like most koalas or dolphins

šedý, šedivý