Kniha Total English - Vyšší středně pokročilý - Lekce 6 – Lekce 1
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Lekce 6 - Lekce 1 v učebnici Total English Upper-Intermediate, jako je "scruffy", "wrinkle", "round" atd.
weighing more than what is considered healthy or desirable for one's body size and build

nadváhový, s nadváhou

(of people or animals) weighing much more than what is thought to be healthy for their body

tlustý, obézní

a small fold or line in a piece of cloth or in the skin, particularly the face

vráska, přehyb

(particularly of a child or young adult) slightly overweight in a way that is considered cute or charming rather than unhealthy or unattractive

boubelatý, opeřený

(of hair) having a slight curl or wave to it, creating a soft and gentle appearance

vlnitý, kudrnatý

(especially of a man) having a short but quite solid figure with thick muscles

zavalitý, pořádně vzrostlý

colored in a way that is not natural, but done artificially

barvený, uměle zbarvený

(of hair) pale brown in color that is considered to be too plain

myší, nevýrazný

(of skin) having a dark shade because of direct exposure to sunlight

opálený, opálení