
Kniha Total English - Vyšší středně pokročilý - Unit 5 - Reference - Part 1

Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Unit 5 - Reference - Part 1 v učebnici Total English Upper-Intermediate, jako je "expand", "stake", "gamble" atd.









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Total English - Upper-intermediate
to lower

to reduce something in degree, amount, quality, or strength

snížit, poklesnout

snížit, poklesnout

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an official agreement between two or more sides that states what each of them has to do

smlouva, kontrakt

smlouva, kontrakt

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to expand

to become something greater in quantity, importance, or size

rozšiřovat, vysunout

rozšiřovat, vysunout

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to extend

to enlarge or lengthen something

rozšířit, prodloužit

rozšířit, prodloužit

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to reduce

to make something smaller in amount, degree, price, etc.

snížit, omezit

snížit, omezit

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to shrink

(of clothes or fabric) to become smaller when washed with hot water

srážet se, zmenšit se

srážet se, zmenšit se

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to spread

to enlarge the area of effect of something or to make it affect more people

rozšířit, šířit

rozšířit, šířit

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to stretch

to make something longer, looser, or wider, especially by pulling it

natáhnout, prodloužit

natáhnout, prodloužit

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to risk

to put someone or something important in a situation where they could be harmed, lost, or destroyed

rizikovat, ohrozit

rizikovat, ohrozit

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an act that someone does while knowing that there is a risk but also possible success

sázka, riziko

sázka, riziko

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a situation or a chance where doing or achieving something particular becomes possible or easier

příležitost, šance

příležitost, šance

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a possibility that something will happen

šance, možnost

šance, možnost

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an amount of money invested in a business

podíl, investice

podíl, investice

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something that is greatly desired

ambice, touha

ambice, touha

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significant in amount or degree

podstatný, značný

podstatný, značný

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[Přídavné jméno]
to put up with

to tolerate something or someone unpleasant, often without complaining

snášet, tolerovat

snášet, tolerovat

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to deal with

to take the necessary action regarding someone or something specific

zabývat se, řešit

zabývat se, řešit

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to focus

to pay full attention to someone or something specific

soustředit se, fokuserovat

soustředit se, fokuserovat

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to endure

to allow the presence or actions of someone or something disliked without interference or complaint

snášet, trpět

snášet, trpět

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a difficult and new task that puts one's skill, ability, and determination to the test

výzva, úkol

výzva, úkol

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to battle

to overcome challenges, defend beliefs, or achieve a difficult thing

bojovat, zápasit

bojovat, zápasit

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an attempt to do something, particularly something demanding

snaha, pokAttempt

snaha, pokAttempt

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a series of organized activities that are intended to achieve a particular goal

kampaň, operace

kampaň, operace

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white water

the part of water in a river that runs very fast and looks foamy

bílé vody, vířivé vody

bílé vody, vířivé vody

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the practice of using a raft to travel with the flow of a river as a sport or hobby

rafting, splavování

rafting, splavování

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rock climbing

a type of sport in which a person climbs rock surfaces that are very steep

horolezectví, skalní lezení

horolezectví, skalní lezení

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horse riding

a sport that involves riders performing specific tasks like jumping over obstacles or showcasing their skills on horseback

jízda na koni, koňské sporty

jízda na koni, koňské sporty

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able to be driven or ridden on rough ground

terenni, off-road

terenni, off-road

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[Přídavné jméno]
mountain biking

the activity or sport of riding a mountain bike over rough ground

mountain biking, cyklistika na horských kolech

mountain biking, cyklistika na horských kolech

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a game played by two teams of thirteen or fifteen players, who kick or carry an oval ball over the other team’s line to score points



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a martial art and sport that is practiced using arrows and bows



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a hard hat worn by soldiers, bikers, etc. for protection

helma, přilba

helma, přilba

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a supportive arrangement of straps or bands worn on the body to distribute weight or pressure evenly, provide stability for a body part or function, or secure an object in place

harnes, podporu

harnes, podporu

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a piece of clothing worn for swimming, especially by women and girls

plavky, plavkový kostým

plavky, plavkový kostým

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a tight-fitting piece of clothing made of rubber that is worn by underwater swimmers to remain warm

neoprenový overal, potápěčský oblek

neoprenový overal, potápěčský oblek

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life jacket

a special type of vest worn to help keep a person afloat in water, especially in case of an emergency

záchranná vesta, plovací vesta

záchranná vesta, plovací vesta

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a sports shoe with a rubber sole that is worn casually or for doing exercise

tenisky, sportovní obuv

tenisky, sportovní obuv

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a type of eyewear that are designed to protect the eyes from harm

ochranné brýle, bezpečnostní brýle

ochranné brýle, bezpečnostní brýle

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