
Sociální Interakce - Vděčnost a uznání

Zjistěte, jak anglická přísloví jako „mládí se plýtvá na mladé“ a „snědený chléb je zapomenuto“ znázorňují vděčnost a uznání v angličtině.







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Social Interaction
the grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence)

used to say that people often think that other situations or circumstances are better than their own, even if they are not

tráva je vždy zelenější na druhé straně plotu

tráva je vždy zelenější na druhé straně plotu

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the golden age was never the present age

used to imply that people tend to idealize the past as a time of greater prosperity, happiness, and virtue, and overlook the flaws and challenges of that time

zlatý věk nikdy nebyl současným věkem

zlatý věk nikdy nebyl současným věkem

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a prophet is not without honor save in his own country

used to suggest that a person's gifts and talents may be overlooked or undervalued by those who are familiar with them

prorok není beze cti, kromě své vlastní země

prorok není beze cti, kromě své vlastní země

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better a small fish than an empty dish

used to imply that it is better to have something rather than nothing, and that one should appreciate and make the most of what they have

lepší malá ryba než prázdná miska

lepší malá ryba než prázdná miska

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half a loaf is better than no bread

used to imply that having something, even if it is not as much as one would like or need, is better than having nothing at all

lepší něco než nic

lepší něco než nic

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a good dog deserves a good bone

used to emphasize that someone who has done a good job or performed well deserves to be rewarded or recognized appropriately

dobrý pes si zaslouží dobrou kost

dobrý pes si zaslouží dobrou kost

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cow knows not what her tail is worth till she has lost it

used to imply that people often do not recognize the true worth of something or someone until it is lost or no longer available

a blind man would be glad to see (it)

used to emphasize the importance of appreciating what one has, as something that seems insignificant to one person may be highly valued by someone who lacks it

slepý by to rád viděl

slepý by to rád viděl

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health is not valued till sickness comes

used to suggest that people often fail to appreciate the value of good health until they become sick, emphasizing the importance of valuing and prioritizing one's health

a forced kindness deserves no thanks

used to imply that insincere or forced acts of kindness, done either against one's will or for self-serving purposes, are not deserving of appreciation or gratitude

vynucená laskavost si nezaslouží dík

vynucená laskavost si nezaslouží dík

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blessings brighten as they take their flight

used to suggest that people often appreciate the value of something only after it is gone or no longer available

požehnání se rozjasní, když vzlétnou

požehnání se rozjasní, když vzlétnou

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Christmas comes but once a year

used to imply that some things are rare or happen only on special occasions, and so one should appreciate and make the most of these special moments while they last

distance lends enchantment to the view

used to imply that distance can make things appear more attractive or desirable, emphasizing the idea that one's perception of something can be influenced by one's separation from it

eaten bread is (soon) forgotten

used to imply that people tend to forget the efforts or sacrifices that were made to provide for them once they have obtained or achieved something

snědený chléb je brzy zapomenut

snědený chléb je brzy zapomenut

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if there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun

used to suggest that experiencing challenges or difficulties can enhance one's appreciation of positive experiences

misfortunes tell us what fortune is

used to imply that experiencing setbacks or difficulties can help one appreciate the good things in life and recognize the true value of fortune

neštěstí nám říká, co je štěstí

neštěstí nám říká, co je štěstí

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think not on what you lack as much as on what you have

used to suggest that one should focus on being grateful for what they have rather than dwelling on what they lack

nemyslet na to, co vám chybí, jako na to, co máte

nemyslet na to, co vám chybí, jako na to, co máte

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you never miss the water till the well runs dry

used for imply that people often fail to appreciate the value of something or someone until they are no longer available or accessible

youth is wasted on the young

used to imply that young people often lack the perspective and experience to fully appreciate their youth, and that they recognize its value only when it has passed

mládí se plýtvá na mladé

mládí se plýtvá na mladé

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