Menschliche Beziehungen - Empathie und Verständnis
Entdecken Sie englische Sprichwörter, die Empathie und Verständnis zum Ausdruck bringen, darunter „Wohltätigkeit beginnt zu Hause“ und „Alles zu wissen bedeutet, allen zu vergeben“.
used to imply that one should focus on taking care of their own family and community first, before extending acts of kindness to others
Nächstenliebe beginnt zu Hause
used to imply that kind and compassionate people can form effortless and meaningful connections with others, as they are more receptive to simple acts of kindness and affection
Ein sanftes Herz ist mit einem leichten Faden gebunden
used to emphasize that one should treat others in the same way that one would like to be treated themselves
used to imply that there is a strong connection between the emotions of pity and love, as feeling sorry for someone can lead to empathy and affection towards them
Mitleid ist mit Liebe verwandt
used to imply that when one truly loves another, they are more likely to overlook or forgive their faults or mistakes, emphasizing the power of love to overcome shortcomings or flaws
used to suggest that when someone is comfortable or satisfied, they may view things more positively and underestimate the difficulties faced by others
Wer warm ist, denkt alles so
used to suggest that in order to truly understand someone, one must possess similar qualities, experiences, or characteristics themselves
man muss genauso sein um es zu verstehen
used to imply that if one understands the full context or circumstances behind someone's actions or behavior, they will be more likely to forgive them
Alles wissen bedeutet, allen zu vergeben