
Describir a las Personas - Moda y trajes

Explora modismos en inglés sobre moda y vestimenta con ejemplos como "vestido para matar" y "cortar un guión".




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English idioms used to Describe People
dressed to kill

used to describe someone who is dressed up in a very fashionable way to draw attention

dressed (up) to the nines

dressed up in a very attractive or fashionable way

to cut a dash

to dress or present oneself in a stylish and impressive manner

suited and booted

dressed up in a very formal and attractive way

Sunday best

a person's most attractive or expensive set of clothing, often worn in special occasions

mejor ropa, traje dominguero

mejor ropa, traje dominguero

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to show skin ~noun

(particularly of women) to wear revealing clothes, often for the purpose of arousing others

mutton dressed as lamb

a person, typically an older individual, who dresses or presents themselves in a manner intended to appear younger than their actual age

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