Lista de palabras SAT 5 - Lección 43
Tarjetas de memoria
to grant something such as control, a privilege, or right, often reluctantly

ceder, darse por vencido, admitir la derrota
to put force on something or to use power in order to influence someone or something

to cut or shape the edge of a material at an angle other than a right angle, typically for joining or decorative purposes

to take a leisurely walk, especially in a public place, often for enjoyment or to see and be seen

to make a situation less tense or dangerous by calming emotions or reducing the likelihood of conflict or violence

to create difficulty or obstacles that make it hard for something to happen or progress

to implant or insert something, typically a graft or scion, into a living plant or tree to facilitate growth

to show affection or admiration excessively, typically to gain favor or advantage

adular a
to soak food in a solution of water and salt, often to preserve or flavor it

poner en salmuera