شکست - بازی تمام شد
اصطلاحات انگلیسی مربوط به مفهوم "بازی تمام شده" را کاوش کنید، از جمله "پیروزی Pyrrhic" و "go up in smoke".
to be in the least favorable or losing position in a situation compared to others involved
طرف بازنده شدن
to do something better or sooner than someone else which will ruin their plans or achievements
از کسی پیشی گرفتن
to experience a massive defeat by someone in any competitive situation
به سختی شکست خوردن
to challenge or compete with someone in a way that surprises or impresses others
کسی را سخت به مبارزه کشیدن
to be even remotely comparable in quality, skill, etc.
به گرد پای کسی یا چیزی رسیدن
to give up one's position to the opposing side, resulting in a loss of progress, influence, or control
(از رقیب) عقب افتادن
in a position or state that is less advantageous or successful compared to others
در موقعیت نامطلوب
to completely beat someone in an argument or competition, particularly in a humiliating way
کسی را با خاک یکسان کردن
to completely defeat or win against someone or something in a convincing and overwhelming manner, whether it be in a competition, argument, game, or other activity
با خاک یکسان کردن
to easily defeat someone by being more skilled, powerful, or aggressive compared to them
کسی را به راحتی شکست دادن
to easily and thoroughly defeat someone
کسی را سخت شکست دادن
to face a significant setback or failure in one's career, often resulting in the end of one's professional pursuits
سخت شکست خوردن
(of plans, hopes, etc.) to come to nothing or fail completely, often resulting in disappointment or loss
خراب شدن
a victory achieved at the cost of losing so many things in return
پیروزی با بهای سنگین
a situation where multiple parties are at a standstill, and no one is willing to take action to resolve the situation
بنبست (استعاری)
to thoroughly beat someone, particularly in a contest
کسی راکامل شکست دادن