صفات ارتباطی - صفت های اقتصاد اجتماعی
این صفت ها به صفات، ویژگی ها یا شرایط مرتبط با جنبه های اجتماعی و اقتصادی جامعه مربوط می شوند.
املای کلمه
related to or characteristic of a mother and motherhood, especially during and following childbirth

referring to qualities, characteristics, or actions associated with a male parent in general

relating to a social system where men hold primary power and authority over women and families

پدرسالار, پدرسالاری

related to or characteristic of a family or the relationships within a family

خانوادگی, خانوادهای

relating to or involving several generations within a family or society

نسلی, چندنسلی

relating to interactions or relationships between people

بین فردی, تعاملات بین افراد

referring to factors or conditions that involve both social and economic aspects

relating to formal rituals or traditions, often with symbolic importance or cultural significance

تشریفاتی, آئینی، سنتی، مرسوم
referring to the lifestyle of constantly traveling from place to place, with individuals or groups never staying in one location for an extended period of time

کوچگر, خانهبهدوش
relating to people moving from one place to another, often for work or to live

مهاجر, مربوط به مهاجرت