Relationella Adjektiv - Adjektiv för socioekonomi
Dessa adjektiv är relaterade till de attribut, egenskaper eller förhållanden som är förknippade med de sociala och ekonomiska aspekterna av samhället.
related to or characteristic of a mother and motherhood, especially during and following childbirth

maternell, moderskaps-

referring to qualities, characteristics, or actions associated with a male parent in general

faderlig, paternal

relating to a social system where men hold primary power and authority over women and families

patriarkal, patriarkalisk

related to or characteristic of a family or the relationships within a family

familjär, familje-

relating to or involving several generations within a family or society

generations-, flera generationer

related to or characteristic of society and its members as a whole

samhällelig, social

relating to interactions or relationships between people

interpersonell, mellan människor

involving a society's customs, traditions, beliefs, and other related matters

kulturell, kulturella

referring to factors or conditions that involve both social and economic aspects

socioekonomisk, socio-ekonomisk

relating to the end of the world or catastrophic destruction

apokalyptisk, relaterad till världens slut

relating to formal rituals or traditions, often with symbolic importance or cultural significance

ceremoniell, högtidlig

referring to the lifestyle of constantly traveling from place to place, with individuals or groups never staying in one location for an extended period of time


relating to young people who have not reached adulthood yet

ungdomlig, relaterad till ungdomar

relating to the population of a particular group, area, or society

demografisk, befolkningsrelaterad

relating to or involving several different cultures

multikulturell, multikulturella

related to or characteristic of informal spoken communication

konverserande, samtals-

relating to people moving from one place to another, often for work or to live

migrerande, migrants-