Santé et Maladie - Douleur Mental et Physique
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais liés à la douleur mentale et physique tels que « crampe », « ache » et « spasme ».
a condition in babies where they cry a lot and seem uncomfortable, usually because of stomach pain or gas

a sudden, sharp pain or discomfort, often linked to muscle stiffness, commonly occurring in areas like the neck, back, or other parts of the body

torticolis, douleur aiguë au cou

a trauma caused by a physical reaction to electrical currents flowing through one's body

décharge électrique
discomfort or fatigue in the eyes, often caused by prolonged reading, screen time, or other activities requiring intense visual focus

fatigue oculaire, tension oculaire

mild limb discomfort experienced by children during periods of rapid growth, typically between ages 3 and 12, though not directly caused by growth itself

douleurs de croissance, pains de croissance

lower back pain, often characterized by discomfort, stiffness, or muscle tension in the lumbar region of the spine

lumbago, mal de dos

the sensation of tiny sharp points poking into the skin or a mild numbing feeling, often felt in the hands, arms, legs, or feet, caused when pressure is put on nerves
a condition characterized by painful involuntary movement or stiffness in the hand or forearm caused by excessive writing

crampe d'écrivain, spasme de l'écrivain

a feeling of pain or discomfort in a part of the body that is swollen or sensitive, often caused by allergens, chemicals, or injuries

a stabbing or burning pain along a nerve, often caused by irritation or damage to the nerve


an intense, stinging physical pain or discomfort, usually caused by a wound or a fresh cut

douleur vive, fouissement

a steady or beating sensation of pain or discomfort, often like a heartbeat, commonly felt in areas like the head or muscles

pulsation, douleur lancinante

extreme amount of pain or distress experienced either physically or mentally

tourment, angoisse

extreme pain or distress inflicted upon someone, often deliberately and cruelly

torture, tourment

a brief, intense sensation of discomfort or pain in a specific area of the body

élancement, douleur
a sharp or intense pain in the stomach area, often because of digestive issues or menstruation

colique, douleur abdominale

a condition where sudden pressure changes cause nitrogen bubbles in the body, leading to symptoms like joint pain and fatigue

mal de décompression, sickness de décompression

the pain felt in muscles, tendons, etc. caused by repeated pressure or movements

trouble musculo-squelettique
any discomfort or pressure felt in the chest area, that can be because of heart issues, digestive problems, or muscle strain

douleur thoracique, oppression thoracique