
Relations - Relations amoureuses

Maîtrisez les expressions anglaises concernant les relations amoureuses, comme « play hard to get » et « pick-up line ».







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English idioms related to Relationships
to play hard to get

to act as though one is not interested in another person's romantic or sexual advances in order to increase their interest or desire

faire semblant d'être désintéressé

faire semblant d'être désintéressé

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to make the first move

to make it clear that one is interested in having a romantic or sexual relationship with someone

exprimer son intérêt romantique ou sexuel

exprimer son intérêt romantique ou sexuel

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pick-up line

a flirtatious comment used to initiate a conversation with someone, often with the intention of expressing romantic or sexual interest in them

phrase séduisante

phrase séduisante

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to throw oneself at sb

to make it too obvious that one is interested in having a relationship with someone, often one that is sexual and not romantic

se jeter sur quelqu'un

se jeter sur quelqu'un

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to make a move on sb

to try to begin a sexual or romantic relationship with a particular person

essayer d'attirer quelqu'un

essayer d'attirer quelqu'un

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to win one's heart

to earn someone's affection, love, or admiration through one's actions, words, or gestures

gagner l'affection de quelqu'un

gagner l'affection de quelqu'un

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to give sb the (glad) eye

to look at someone in a way that reveals one is sexually interested in them

regarder quelqu'un avec convoitise

regarder quelqu'un avec convoitise

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to sweep sb off one's feet

to make someone have intense romantic feelings for one

obtenir l'affection de quelqu'un

obtenir l'affection de quelqu'un

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to charm the pants off sb

to cause a person to become greatly interested in one, particularly in the first encounter

to have designs on sb

to desire someone to be one's sexual partner

être attiré sexuellement par quelqu'un

être attiré sexuellement par quelqu'un

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the hots for sb

intense feelings of sexual attraction for someone

désir sexuel

désir sexuel

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