Adverbes de Manière Liés aux Humains - Adverbes d'intention et de résolution
Ces adverbes décrivent les intentions derrière les actions et le niveau de détermination qui les sous-tend. Ils incluent « volontairement », « délibérément », « catégoriquement », etc.
in a manner that shows one is inclined or happy to do something
de bon gré, volontiers
in a manner that the person doing the action is aware of their behavior, and their actions are driven by a particular objective
intentionnellement, exprès
in a manner that was planned and purposeful
délibérément, intentionnellement
in a deliberate and unprovoked way, often without caring about the results
de manière délibérée, de façon gratuite
with complete sincerity, enthusiasm, and without any hesitation
de tout cœur, sincèrement
with a clear intention, determination, and a specific goal in mind
délibérément, intentionnellement
in a way that is intentional and not accidental
intentionnellement, délibérément
in a way that one does an action with full awareness, understanding, or knowledge of the results
willingly and without external influence
de son plein gré, par choix
willingly and decisively without a pause
rapidement, immédiatement, vite
in a steady and determined manner
avec détermination, de manière obstinée
in a manner that shows a person's resistance or unwillingness to reconsider what they think or want to do
obstinément, opiniâtrement
in a manner that something is done with the mutual agreement of all parties involved
consensuellement, de manière consensuelle
in a way that is only based on or influenced by one's personal opinions, ideas, or feelings
subjectivement, personnellement
without personal feelings, opinions, or thoughts
objectivement, de manière objective
with strong determination, loyalty, and dedication
avec détermination, de manière inébranlable