Avverbi di Modo Relativi agli Umani - Avverbi di intenzione e di risoluzione
Questi avverbi descrivono le intenzioni dietro le azioni e il livello di determinazione dietro di esse. Includono "volontariamente", "deliberatamente", "decisamente", ecc.
in a manner that the person doing the action is aware of their behavior, and their actions are driven by a particular objective

in a deliberate and unprovoked way, often without caring about the results

in modo deliberato, senza motivo

with complete sincerity, enthusiasm, and without any hesitation

con tutto il cuore, con sincerità

with a clear intention, determination, and a specific goal in mind

deliberatamente, con intenzione

in a way that one does an action with full awareness, understanding, or knowledge of the results

in a manner that shows a person's resistance or unwillingness to reconsider what they think or want to do

in a manner that something is done with the mutual agreement of all parties involved

consensualmente, in modo consensuale

in a way that is only based on or influenced by one's personal opinions, ideas, or feelings

without personal feelings, opinions, or thoughts

oggettivamente, in modo oggettivo