Vocabulaire Avancé pour le TOEFL - Temps et Espace
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais sur le temps et l'espace, tels que "wane", "dwarf", "nebula", etc. qui sont nécessaires pour l'examen TOEFL.
a period of 12 months based on which a company, government or individual does financial reporting or budgeting

année fiscale
a period of time in history or someone's life, during which significant events happen

époque, ère
a hypothetical structure that connects regions of space-time that are far apart

trou de ver
(of the moon) to gradually decrease in its visible illuminated surface as it progresses from full to new moon

(of the moon) to progressively display a larger illuminated section until it turns into a full moon

the theory that adds the notion of time to that of a three-dimensional space

a usually small meteor that burns with a bright light when entering the earth's atmosphere

étoile filante
a glowing cloud of gas and dust in outer space, often the result of a star explosion or formation

a small celestial body that becomes visible as a meteor upon entrance into the atmosphere of the earth

the branch of physics that studies celestial objects and phenomena in the universe, such as stars, galaxies, and cosmic radiation

the colored lights, mainly green and red, in the sky seen primarily near the northern magnetic pole

aurore boréale
the colored lights, mainly green and red, in the sky seen primarily near the southern magnetic pole

aurore australe
the time as measured at Greenwich, London, on the line of 0° longitude, used to calculate the time across the globe

the calendar introduced by Pope Gregory XII in 1582, as a modification for the Julian Calendar, presently used in many parts of the world

calendrier grégorien