खाद्य सामग्री - खरबूजे और अन्य फल
यहां आप खरबूजे और अन्य फलों के नाम अंग्रेजी में सीखेंगे जैसे "अंजीर", "तरबूज" और "कैंटालूप"।
समीक्षा करें
a round fruit of the melon family that has a sweet and juicy orange flesh and a netted rind which is typically beige or tan in color
कैंटालूप, खरबूजा
a type of melon with a juicy flesh that is usually light green in color and a smooth rind that typically has a green or yellowish color
हनीड्यू तरबूज, मीठा तरबूज
a variety of fruits with yellow, green, or orange skin or juicy flesh that contains many seeds in its center
a large, round, and juicy fruit that is red on the inside and has green stripes on its hard and thick skin
तरबूज, जल तरबूज
a long brown edible pod with a sweet chocolatey flavor that grows on a small evergreen tree
a soft, sweet fruit with a thin skin and many small seeds, often eaten fresh or dried
अंजीर, मीठा अंजीर
a starchy tropical fruit commonly used as a staple food in many Pacific islands
ब्रेडफ्रूट, रोटी फल
the small, round, and reddish-orange fruit of the wild rose plant
गुलाब का फल, जंगली गुलाब का फल
a fruit with a hard outer shell and powdery white flesh, known for its tangy flavor
बाओबाब फल, बाओबाब
a variety of sweet melons that can have an orange, green, or white colored flesh
मस्कमेलन, कंकोल
a variety of melon with a textured skin that resembles a net or mesh pattern
जालदार खरबूजा, जाल वाली खरबूजा
a type of melon known for its sweet and aromatic flavor, originating from Iran
फारसी तरबूज, ईरानी खरबूज
a dried grape, often used in baking, cooking, or as a snack
किशमिश, सूखे अंगूर
a large fruit with pale green flesh and a waxy, light green to white rind which has a mild, slightly sweet flavor and is versatile in cooking
सर्दी तरबूज, सर्दी ककड़ी
a green, cucumber-shaped fruit with a distinct bitter taste
कड़वा करेले, कड़वा लौकी
a type of aromatic melon with a netted yellow skin, juicy, pale green flesh, and spicy-sweet flavor
गालिया खरबूज