식재료 - 멜론 및 기타 과일
여기서는 "fig", "watermelon", "cantaloupe"와 같은 멜론 및 기타 과일의 이름을 영어로 배우게 됩니다.
a round fruit of the melon family that has a sweet and juicy orange flesh and a netted rind which is typically beige or tan in color
칸탈루프, 멜론
a type of melon with a juicy flesh that is usually light green in color and a smooth rind that typically has a green or yellowish color
허니듀 멜론, 달콤한 멜론
a variety of fruits with yellow, green, or orange skin or juicy flesh that contains many seeds in its center
a large, round, and juicy fruit that is red on the inside and has green stripes on its hard and thick skin
수박, 멜론
a long brown edible pod with a sweet chocolatey flavor that grows on a small evergreen tree
a soft, sweet fruit with a thin skin and many small seeds, often eaten fresh or dried
무화과, 달콤한 무화과
a starchy tropical fruit commonly used as a staple food in many Pacific islands
빵나무, 빵과일
a fruit with a hard outer shell and powdery white flesh, known for its tangy flavor
바오밥 열매, 바오밥
a variety of sweet melons that can have an orange, green, or white colored flesh
머스크 멜론, 멜론
a variety of melon with a textured skin that resembles a net or mesh pattern
그물 멜론, 메시 멜론
a type of melon known for its sweet and aromatic flavor, originating from Iran
페르시아 멜론, 이란 멜론
a large fruit with pale green flesh and a waxy, light green to white rind which has a mild, slightly sweet flavor and is versatile in cooking
겨울 멜론, 겨울 호박
a type of aromatic melon with a netted yellow skin, juicy, pale green flesh, and spicy-sweet flavor
갈리아 멜론