समाधान - अपर-मध्यवर्ती - यूनिट 3 - 3सी
यहां आपको सॉल्यूशंस अपर-इंटरमीडिएट कोर्सबुक में यूनिट 3 - 3 सी की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "सबमिट करें", "ओमिट करें", "प्रत्याशित करें", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
to come together as previously scheduled for social interaction or a prearranged purpose
to tell someone our name so they can know us, or to tell them someone else's name so they can know each other, normally happening in the first meeting
परिचय देना
to go and bring a person or thing, typically at someone's request or for a specific purpose
a group of people or things that have similar characteristics or share particular qualities
used to describe a way of speaking or writing that follows traditional rules and is considered appropriate for serious or professional situations
suitable for friendly, relaxed, casual, or unofficial occasions and situations
the system of communication by spoken or written words, that the people of a particular country or region use
to leave a location, particularly to go on a trip or journey
प्रस्थान करना
to focus one's attention on something or someone in order to observe or examine them
to give information about someone or something, especially in an official manner
जानकारी देना
to present or refer something for judgment or consideration, often to an authority or superior
जमा करना
to leave out or exclude something or someone, usually intentionally, from a list, text, or action
to arrange or put off an activity or an event for a later time than its original schedule
to express regret or remorse for one's actions or words that have caused harm or offense to others
माफी मांगना
feeling ashamed or sad about something that one has or has not done