संगीत - संगीत समूह
यहां आप संगीत समूहों से संबंधित कुछ अंग्रेजी शब्द सीखेंगे जैसे "गाना बजानेवालों", "चौकड़ी", और "बैंड"।
समीक्षा करें
a large group of musicians playing jazz or dance music that usually features ensemble playing and solo improvisations

बिग बैंड, बड़ा बैंड

a group of singers who perform together, particularly in religious ceremonies or in public

गायक दल, गायन मंडली

an amateur group of people who play and practice rock music in a garage

गैरेज बैंड, गैरेज ग्रुप

a group consisting of six musicians or singers who perform together

सेक्सटेट, छह की टोली

a group of musicians playing various instruments gathered and organized to perform a classic piece


a successful rock band consisting of musicians who have already become famous in other bands

सुपरग्रुप, प्रसिद्ध रॉक बैंड

a group of musicians who perform the music of a well-known band, imitating their musical and fashion style

ट्रिब्यूट बैंड, श्रद्धांजलि बैंड

a musical group composed of young male singers who typically perform pop or R&B music, often with synchronized dance routines and a carefully cultivated image

बॉय बैंड, लड़कों का बैंड

a musical ensemble primarily composed of brass instruments, often accompanied by percussion, and playing a variety of musical genres

पीतल बैंड, धातु बैंड

a small orchestra comprising a limited number of musicians, often one player per part

चेम्बर ऑर्केस्ट्रा

a musical ensemble, specializing in performing music suitable for dancing

नृत्य बैंड, नृत्य दल

a traditional Indonesian percussion ensemble comprising metallophones, xylophones, drums, and gongs, used in ceremonial and cultural events

गामेलान, गामेलान संगीत समूह

a musical ensemble, typically consisting of vocalists, that performs choral music, often in a formal or academic setting, and may include arrangements of popular songs or show tunes

ग्ली क्लब, सङ्गीत समूह

a group of instrumental musicians, often brass and percussion, who perform while marching in parades or events

मार्चिंग बैंड, बैंड

a musical ensemble from Trinidad and Tobago, consisting of steel drums played with mallets or sticks

स्टील बैंड, स्टील ड्रम समूह

a musical ensemble consisting of female vocalists who perform together, often with choreographed dance routines, and typically focusing on pop, R&B, or other contemporary music genres

लड़की समूह, महिला समूह

a musical ensemble consisting of male vocalists who perform together, often with harmonized singing, and typically focusing on choral music or a cappella arrangements

पुरुष कोरस, पुरुषों का गायन समूह

a musical ensemble from a military organization, typically playing brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments for ceremonial and entertainment purposes

सैन्य बैंड, सैन्य संगत

a musical ensemble consisting of four musicians who play stringed instruments, typically two violins, a viola, and a cello, that play music arranged or composed for this combination of instruments

स्ट्रिंग क्वार्टेट, स्ट्रिंग का चतुरस्त्र

a large ensemble of musicians playing symphonic music, led by a conductor

संपूर्ण ऑर्केस्ट्रा, संगीत मंडली

a group of percussion instruments played together in a coordinated manner

ताल वाद्य समूह, ताल वाद्य मंडल

a band that performs songs by other artists, usually replicating their style and arrangements

कवर्ड बैंड, कवर ग्रुप

a musical group consisting of musicians who play rock music, typically including electric guitar, bass guitar, drums, and vocals

रॉक बैंड, रॉक समूह

a group of musicians that perform Mexican folk music in a small group usually consisting of trumpeters, guitarists and violinists dressed in traditional costumes
