संगीत - संगीतमय तत्व
यहां आप "स्केल", "टोनलिटी" और "वाइब्रेटो" जैसे संगीत तत्वों से संबंधित कुछ अंग्रेजी शब्द सीखेंगे।
समीक्षा करें
the perceived highness or lowness of a sound, determined by the frequency of the sound waves

उच्चता, स्वर

an arrangement of a series of musical notes with specified intervals, in ascending or descending pitch order

स्वरक्रम, गुणा

a specific arrangement of tones and semitones that create a distinctive scale pattern

मोड, संगीत मोड

the variation or contrast in volume or intensity of a musical performance

गति, तीव्रता

in music refers to how notes or sounds are played, including factors like attack, duration, and release, which shape the expressiveness of a performance

अर्टिक्यूलेशन, संगीत अभिव्यक्ति

in music refers to how different musical elements are combined to create the overall sound of a piece


the quality of harmony or agreement between notes or chords, often perceived as pleasant or stable


any of the short sections consisting of musical beats located between two consecutive lines

माप, संगीत माप

a recurring theme of melodic or rhythmic arrangement of notes in a musical piece

मोटिफ़, थीम

the use of dynamics, phrasing, tempo, articulation, and other interpretive elements by a performer to convey the emotional or artistic intent of a piece of music, adding depth, feeling, and individuality to the performance

संगीतात्मक अभिव्यक्ति, कलात्मक अभिव्यक्ति

a system of written signs or symbols that are used in music or mathematics

संगीत नNotation, गणित नNotation

a component of a musical sound that is produced alongside the fundamental pitch, contributing to the overall richness and timbre of the sound


a set of horizontal lines and spaces on which musical notes are written

सुर तालिका, स्टेव

the rhythmic or metrical regularity and sense of timing that is created by a repeating pattern of beats

नाड़ी, ताल

the first beat of a measure, typically emphasized in terms of accentuation and providing a sense of rhythmic stability

प्रथम ध्वनि, प्रमुख धुन

a seven-note scale with a specific pattern of whole and half steps

डायटोनिक स्केल, डायटोनिक पैमाना

an unusual combination of musical notes that sound strange when played

असंगति, दिसोनेंस

the simultaneous performance of the same pitch or note by multiple musicians or instruments


a short, repeated musical pattern found in both jazz and popular music, serving as a prominent and recognizable element within a song or composition

रिफ़, दोहराया जाने वाला संगीत पैटर्न

the organization of pitches and chords around a central pitch, creating a sense of harmonic stability and establishing a key center

स्वरूपता, स्वरों का संगठन

the organization and shaping of musical phrases or sections to convey expression, emotion, and musical coherence

वाक्य विन्यास, संगीत संरचना

a musical unit or segment consisting of several notes played or sung together

संगीत वाक्य, संगीत खंड

a rapid repetition of a single musical note or alternation between two notes

ट्रेमोलो, ट्रेमोलो