खाद्य पदार्थ और पेय पदार्थ - बाउंड सलाद
यहां आप अंग्रेजी में अलग-अलग सलाद के नाम सीखेंगे जैसे "टूना सलाद", "कोलेस्लो", और "आलू सलाद"।
समीक्षा करें
a cold dish made with canned tuna, mayonnaise, and various other ingredients such as celery, pickles, and seasonings, often served on a bed of lettuce or between slices of bread
ट्यूना सलाद, ट्यूना का सलाद
a cold dish made with chopped cooked chicken, mayonnaise, and various other ingredients such as celery, onions, and seasonings, often served on a bed of lettuce or between slices of bread
चिकन सलाद, मुर्गी का सलाद
a side dish made of shredded raw cabbage and other vegetables, typically dressed with a mayonnaise-based dressing
कोल्स्लाव, पत्तागोभी का सलाद
a classic dish made with boiled potatoes that are mixed with mayonnaise, mustard, and other ingredients such as celery, onions, and pickles
आलू का सलाद, आलू सलाद
a cold dish made of cooked pasta, vegetables, and a dressing, usually a vinaigrette
पास्ता सलाद, मैकरोनी सलाद
a cold dish made of cooked macaroni, vegetables, and a creamy dressing, usually a mayonnaise-based one
मैकरोनी सलाद, ठंडा मैकरोनी सलाद
a cold dish made of chopped hard-boiled eggs, mayonnaise, and other ingredients such as celery, onions, and mustard
अंडे का सलाद, अंडा सलाद
a cold dish made of apples, celery, walnuts, and a mayonnaise-based dressing
वॉल्डोर्फ सलाद, सेब वॉल्डोर्फ सलाद
a type of salad made with shredded or thinly sliced cheese, often combined with cabbage, carrots, and other vegetables
पनीर सलाद, पनीर स्लॉ
a traditional Salvadoran salad made with cabbage, carrots, onions, and sometimes jalapenos
कुर्तिडो, साल्वाडोर सलाद
a dish of finely chopped onions, tomatoes, and parsley mixed with wheat, originated in Arab countries
a classic American dish made with layers of lettuce, vegetables, cheese, and dressing
सात परतों का सलाद, सात स्तर का सलाद
a traditional Russian dish made with layers of pickled herring, vegetables, and mayonnaise
पहने हुआ हेरिंग, सजाए हुए हेरिंग
a sweet and fruity dessert salad made with acini di pepe pasta, pineapple, mandarin oranges, marshmallows, and whipped topping
फ्रोगआय सलाद, मीठा फल सलाद
a classic salad made with blanched celery stalks marinated in a tangy vinaigrette
सेलरी विक्टर