
खाद्य पदार्थ और पेय पदार्थ - हरी सलाद

यहां आप अंग्रेजी में हरे सलाद के नाम सीखेंगे जैसे "अकर", "वेज सलाद" और "कचुम्बरी"।


समीक्षा करें







शुरू करें
Words Related to Foods and Drinks
composed salad

a type of salad where individual ingredients are artfully arranged and presented on a plate, rather than being mixed together

बना हुआ सलाद

बना हुआ सलाद

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tossed salad

a type of salad where various ingredients are mixed together in a bowl, typically with a dressing

टास कियाहुवा सलाद

टास कियाहुवा सलाद

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wedge salad

a type of salad made with wedge-shaped lettuce, dressing, bacon, and toppings

वेज सलाद

वेज सलाद

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a type of Indonesian or Malaysian vegetable pickle, typically made with carrots, cucumbers, and other vegetables, marinated in a tangy and spicy sauce

एक कार

एक कार

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Afghan salad

a type of salad from Afghanistan, typically made with fresh vegetables, herbs, and spices

अफगानी सलाद

अफगानी सलाद

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Arab salad

a type of salad commonly found in Middle Eastern cuisine

अरब सलाद

अरब सलाद

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garden salad

a type of salad made with a variety of fresh vegetables

कच्चा साग

कच्चा साग

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Greek salad

a salad made with olives, tomatoes, and feta cheese

ग्रीक सलाद

ग्रीक सलाद

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a type of East African salad made with chopped tomatoes, onions, cilantro, and other fresh vegetables



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spinach salad

a dish made with fresh spinach leaves, often combined with other ingredients

पालक का सलाद

पालक का सलाद

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arugula salad

a dish made with fresh arugula leaves, often combined with other ingredients

अरुगुला सलाद

अरुगुला सलाद

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house salad

a salad made with a mix of fresh greens, vegetables, and often additional toppings

घर का सलाद

घर का सलाद

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harvest salad

a salad made with seasonal ingredients such as roasted vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains

फसल का सलाद

फसल का सलाद

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Mexican salad

a salad made with ingredients commonly found in Mexican cuisine, such as beans, corn, avocado, tomatoes, and Mexican spices

मेक्सिकन सलाद

मेक्सिकन सलाद

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Italian salad

a salad made with ingredients commonly found in Italian cuisine, such as mixed greens, tomatoes, olives, peppers, cheese, and Italian dressing

इटालियन सलाद

इटालियन सलाद

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LanGeek ऐप डाउनलोड करें