खाद्य पदार्थ और पेय - फल और मीठे सूप
यहां आप अंग्रेजी में विभिन्न फलों और मीठे सूपों के नाम सीखेंगे जैसे "टोंग सुई", "ब्लूबेरी सूप", और "कोल्डस्कल"।
समीक्षा करें
a Vietnamese dessert or sweet beverage made with a variety of ingredients such as beans, fruits, tapioca pearls, and coconut milk, often served cold
a Filipino dish made with coconut milk as a base
नारियल के दूध के साथ बना व्यंजन
a Japanese sweet soup made from sweet red bean paste (anko) and typically served hot or warm
a sweet, hot or cold Chinese dessert soup typically made with a variety of ingredients
मीठी सूप
a Chinese dessert soup made from ground black sesame seeds
काले तिल का सूप
a smooth and creamy dessert made from tofu, sugar, and flavorings, often enjoyed as a silky and healthy plant-based dessert
टोफू पुडिंग
a flavorful soup made with coconut milk as a key ingredient
नारियल का सूप
a traditional Hungarian dish made from sour cherries, sugar, and water, often combined with other ingredients
खट्टे चेरी का सूप
a dessert or drink of Slavic origin made from fruit juice or puree, usually thickened with starch or arrowroot
a Filipino dessert made from glutinous rice balls, often served in a sweet and creamy coconut milk soup with various ingredients
a traditional Danish cold buttermilk soup made with buttermilk, eggs, sugar, vanilla, and lemon juice
ठंडा छाछ का सूप
a fruity and often sweet soup made from blueberries, typically served chilled or warm as a dessert or appetizer
नीलबदरी का सूप