Otthon és Kert - Lakásdekoráció
Itt megtanulhat néhány olyan angol szót, amelyek a lakberendezéssel kapcsolatosak, mint például a „baseboard”, „lógó” és „váza”.
a long and narrow piece of wood attached to the bottom of the walls of a house
lábazati deszka, padlóléc
a bag made of cloth that is filled with soft material, used for leaning or sitting on
párna, ülőpárna
a large ornamental piece of cloth hung around and above a bed or on a wall
falitakaró, függöny
a thing that is added to make something look more beautiful
díszítés, dísz
something that is used to decorate a house, piece of clothing, etc.
dísz, dekoráció
a colored liquid that you put on a surface to decorate or protect it
festék, szín
a long and narrow piece of wood attached horizontally to a wall, which is designed to hang pictures from
képkonzol, képkeret
the act of changing the style or appearance of a room by adding or updating things like colors, furniture, or decorations
átalakítás, újra dekorálás
an informal decoration style using items and pieces of furniture that look old and worn-out in a pleasant way
shabby chic, shabby chic stílus
a type of thick paper used for covering the surface of a wall or ceiling, particularly for decoration
tapasztópapír, tapéta
to adorn the inside of a house or room in order to make it more beautiful
díszíteni, decorálni
to attach a painting, clock, etc. to a wall using a hook
akasztani, felfüggeszteni
to add decorative items to something in order to make it look more attractive
díszíteni, kidekorálni
to cover a surface or object with a colored liquid, usually for decoration
festeni, színezni
to stick a thick and often decorative paper onto the wall or ceiling of a building
tapétázni, tapétát ragasztani
to change the appearance of a room by applying new paint or wallpaper
újra díszíteni, felújítani
a small object, typically made of metal or wood, that is placed on either end of a row of books to keep them standing upright and prevent them from falling over
könyvtámasz, könyvkötés
a block or stick of wax with a string inside that can be lit to produce light
any type of artwork, decoration or adornment that is displayed on the walls of a room or space, such as paintings, photographs, posters, tapestries, and other decorative items
falikép, faldekoráció
ornamental elements like knobs, pulls, handles, hinges, and accessories that are added to furniture, cabinetry, doors, etc. to enhance their appearance
dekoratív hardver, díszítő elemek
a decorative structure that holds and displays artwork, consisting of a frame and a protective sheet of glass or plastic
képkeret, fotokeret
a small cushion that is used primarily for aesthetic purposes to add color, texture, and style to a room's décor
díszpárna, dobó párna
a container used as a decoration or used for putting cut flowers in
váz, edény
a solid figure or object made as a work of art by shaping and carving wood, clay, stone, etc.
szobor, szobrászat
a small decorative statue or sculpture typically made from materials such as porcelain, ceramic, wood, or resin
figura, szobor
a plant grown in a container and used for decorative purposes in indoor spaces
cserépben növő növény, dekoratív növény
a mixture of fragrant ingredients, such as dried flowers, herbs, and spices, used for decorative and aromatic purposes
potpourri, illatos keverék
a vinyl or paper-based graphic design or image applied to a flat surface, commonly used for decorative purposes in a room's décor
falikép, fali matrica
a thick piece of handwoven textile with designs or pictures on it that is used for hangings, curtains, etc.
terítő, tapesz
a suspended decorative object that moves in response to air currents or manipulation, commonly used for visual interest and stimulation in indoor spaces
mozgatható, mobilok
a vessel, typically made of glass, ceramic, or metal, that is designed to hold small objects or to be displayed for decorative purposes
díszes tál, díszítőtál
a standing light fixture with a tall base and a lampshade that provides illumination in a room
padló lámpa, állólámpa
a small lamp designed to be placed on a table or desk, typically featuring a decorative base and a lampshade that diffuses the light
asztali lámpa, íróasztali lámpa
a timepiece designed to be mounted on a wall, typically featuring an analog or digital display and used to indicate the time
falióra, falra akasztható óra
a tall wooden case clock with a pendulum inside that stands on the floor
nagyszülő óra, álló óra
a freestanding, weight-driven pendulum clock that is typically smaller than a grandfather clock and stands approximately 5 to 6 feet tall
nagymama óra, álló nagymama óra
a variety of textile materials, including tablecloths, napkins, placemats, and runners, that are used to cover and decorate a table during a meal or special occasion
asztali textília, asztali teríték
a decorative container with planted flowers that is attached to a small rope or chain to enable it to stay suspended from a building or other public places
függő kosár, lógó virágcserép
a large decorative container that is used to grow plants in
virágcserép, növénytartó
a decorative container placed outside a window in which people grow flowers and other plants
ablakládány, virágláda
a decorative object that is designed to hold one or more candles, typically made of metal, glass, or ceramic and used to create ambient lighting in a room
gyertya tartó, gyertyatartó
a decorative cover attached to a lamp for the purpose of directing or softening its light as well as providing some protection
lámpaernyő, lámpa burkolat
a large mirror that is typically mounted on a wall or placed on a stand, and provides a reflection of a person's entire body
teljes hosszúságú tükör, testtükör
a decorative bracket or sconce designed to hold candles or lights and often features ornate and elaborate designs with multiple arms or branches
girandole, fali gyertya
a full-length mirror that is mounted on a frame with adjustable angles so that it can be tilted to various positions for optimal viewing
teljes hosszúságú tükör, álló tükör
a type of board made of perforated hardboard used for organizing tools and other small items
lyukacsos tábla, perforált tábla
a cloth covering placed or hung over something such as a bed or seat, used as a decoration or shelter
sátor, baldachin
a flat surface made of glass that people can see themselves in
a decorative centerpiece consisting of a large, often multi-tiered, branching stand with bowls or dishes attached for holding fruits, flowers, or other decorative items
dekoratív középrész, gyümölcsállvány
a decorative lighting arrangement consisting of a string or series of small bulbs connected by a wire or cable
fényfüzér, soros világítás