Absztrakt Emberi Tulajdonságok Melléknevei - Pozitív személyiségjegyek melléknevei
Ezek a jelzők az egyének kívánatos tulajdonságait és jellemzőit írják le, mint például a „magabiztos”, „türelmes”, „bátor” stb.
having a strong belief in one's abilities or qualities

magabiztos, önbizalommal teli

able to remain calm, especially in challenging or difficult situations, without becoming annoyed or anxious


(of a young person or child) able to behave reasonably and responsibly, like an adult

érett, felnőtt

having or displaying a strong love or enthusiasm for something

szenvedélyes, lelkes

not displaying emotions and not complaining, especially in difficult and painful situations

stoikus, türelmes

having refined taste, elegance, and knowledge of complex matters

sokoldalú, finom

displaying friendliness and hospitality in a warm and sincere manner

szívélyes, vendégszerető

expressing no signs of fear in face of danger or difficulty

bátortalan, félelem nélküli

able to do things as one wants without needing help from others

független, önálló

continuing to do something despite facing criticism or difficulties

kitartó, állhatatos

having the ability to control one's own behaviors and actions

önfegyelmezett, fegyelmezett

(of a person) having trust in one's abilities and qualities

önbizalommal teli, magabiztos

(of a person) putting in a lot of effort and dedication to achieve goals or complete tasks

szorgalmas, dolgos

having the ability to stay composed and calm in difficult circumstances

nyugodt, jogos

consistently putting in the necessary time and energy to achieve one's goals

szorgalmas, igyekvő

possessing qualities or abilities that deserve recognition or consideration

méltó, érdemes