Idő- és Helyhatározói Melléknevek - Irány melléknevek
Ezek a melléknevek segítenek közvetíteni egy adott cselekvéshez, mozgáshoz vagy pozícióhoz kapcsolódó irányt vagy pályát.
located or directed toward the side of a human body where the heart is
located at or toward the forward-facing side or part of an object or space
előtt, elülső
positioned across and parallel to the ground and not up or down
vízszintes, horizontális
positioned at a right angle to the horizon or ground, typically moving up or down
függőleges, egyenes
going from one place to another in a straight line without stopping or changing direction
közvetlen, egyenes
having an equal distance from each other at every point
located or positioned toward the eastern direction
keleti, orientális
located or positioned toward the western direction
nyugati, nyugat felé
located or positioned toward the northeastern direction
located or positioned toward the northwestern direction
located or positioned toward the southeastern direction
délkeleti, délkelet felé irányuló
located or positioned toward the southwestern direction
facing or pointing toward a lower level or position
lefelé, csökkenő
moving or facing in the opposite direction, often towards the back
fordított, visszafelé
positioned diagonally or at an angle, without being parallel or perpendicular
ferde, átló
placed across another thing in a way that there is a right angle between the two of them
keresztirányú, átfedéses
moving or turning in the same direction as the hands of a clock
óra járásával megegyezően, órajárás
moving or turning in the opposite direction to the clockwise motion
órajárással ellentétes, ellenkező irányban
tilted or inclined away from a straight or level position
dőlt, ferde
arriving or coming towards a particular place or person
érkező, beérkező
approaching or moving towards a particular place or person
közelgő, érkező
moving or facing a direction from a higher to a lower position
lefelé, le
situated or moving in the direction opposite to the flow of a stream or current
folyásirányban, folyásérzés
situated or moving in the direction of the flow of a stream or current
folyás mentén, lefelé
positioned or moving in a direction to the side
oldalra, oldalirányú