Zaman ve Yer Sıfatları - Yön Sıfatları
Bu sıfatlar belirli bir eylem, hareket veya konumla ilişkili yönelimi veya yörüngeyi aktarmaya yardımcı olur.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
located at or toward the forward-facing side or part of an object or space
positioned at a right angle to the horizon or ground, typically moving up or down
going from one place to another in a straight line without stopping or changing direction
located or positioned toward the southeastern direction
güneydoğu, güneydoğuda bulunan
moving or facing in the opposite direction, often towards the back
ters, geri hareket eden
positioned diagonally or at an angle, without being parallel or perpendicular
placed across another thing in a way that there is a right angle between the two of them
moving or turning in the same direction as the hands of a clock
saat yönünde, saat yönünde dönen
moving or turning in the opposite direction to the clockwise motion
saat yönünün tersine, anti-saat yönü
approaching or moving towards a particular place or person
yaklaşan, gelmekte olan
moving or facing a direction from a higher to a lower position
aşağı, inmekte olan
situated or moving in the direction opposite to the flow of a stream or current
akış yönüne karşı, akarsuda üst akıntı
situated or moving in the direction of the flow of a stream or current
aşağı akış, akıntının yönü
positioned or moving in a direction to the side
yana doğru, kenara doğru