Kihívás és Verseny Igék - Igék a sikerhez
Itt elsajátíthat néhány olyan angol igét, amelyek a sikerre utalnak, mint például az "elérni", a "gyarapodni" és a "teljesíteni".
to obtain something through one's own actions or hard work
elsajátít, kapni
to receive something one deserves as a result of something one has done or the qualities one possesses
keresni, megérdemelni
to do a particular thing or have the qualities needed for being punished or rewarded
megérdemelni, méltónak lenni
to finally accomplish a desired goal after dealing with many difficulties
elérni, megvalósítani
to achieve something after dealing with the difficulties
elérni, megvalósítani
to accomplish or do something that was wished for, expected, or promised
teljesíteni, megvalósítani
to reach or achieve what one desired or tried for
sikerülni, elérni
to manage to get something through one's actions or words
nyerni, megnyerni
to perform extremely well in something, especially a test
kitűnően teljesít, sikeresen zárni
to grow in a successful way, especially financially
prosperál, virágzik
to make progress and succeed in one's career or life
előrehaladni, sikeres lenni
to grow or develop in a healthy and successful way
virágzik, boldogul
(of a plan or action) to succeed and have good results
kifizetődik, sikerre vezet
to defeat someone or something using superior strength, force, or influence
uralni, legyőzni
to demonstrate exceptional skill, achievement, or proficiency in a particular activity, subject, or field
kitűnik, kiválózik
to do better than someone or something
túlszárnyalni, meghaladni
to surpass or exceed in performance, achievement, or quality
meghaladni, felülmúlni
to go beyond a particular limit, quality, or standard, often in an exceptional or remarkable way
túllépni, transzcendálni
to make something better compared to a previous state or standard
javítani az előzőhöz képest, fejleszteni az előzőhöz képest
to go faster and reach someone or something that is ahead
utolérni, mellérakni