
ACT Vizsga Szövegértés - gondolatok

Itt megtanulhat néhány olyan angol szót, amelyek a gondolatokhoz kapcsolódnak, mint például a "surmise", "perplexed", "incredulity" stb., amelyek segítenek az ACT-ben.









Indítsa el a tanulást
Essential Vocabulary for ACT
to recognize

to completely understand, acknowledge, or become aware of the existence, validity, or importance of something

elismerni, felismerni

elismerni, felismerni

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to discern

to understand something through thought or reasoning

megkülönböztet, értelmez

megkülönböztet, értelmez

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to conceptualize

to form an idea or concept in the mind by combining existing ideas or information

koncepciót alkotni, megfogalmazni

koncepciót alkotni, megfogalmazni

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to rationalize

to create reasonable explanations for behaviors, decisions, or actions, especially when they may not truly represent the real motives

racionalizálni, igazolni

racionalizálni, igazolni

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to envision

to picture something in one's mind

elképzelni, vizualizálni

elképzelni, vizualizálni

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to consider

to think about something carefully before making a decision or forming an opinion

fontolóra venni, töprengeni

fontolóra venni, töprengeni

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to esteem

to view or assess something or someone in a certain way based on evaluation

megbecsülni, tisztelni

megbecsülni, tisztelni

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a belief about what is likely to happen in the future, often based on previous experiences or desires

elvárás, várakozás

elvárás, várakozás

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an idea or belief that one thinks is true without having a proof

feltételezés, tipp

feltételezés, tipp

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the process or act of depicting or detailing the distinctive traits, qualities, or features of a person, object, or concept

karakterizálás, leírás

karakterizálás, leírás

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something such as an idea, claim, belief, etc that one believes to be true even though it is yet to be proved

feltevés, hipotézis

feltevés, hipotézis

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the action of understanding or becoming fully aware of something

észlelés, realizáció

észlelés, realizáció

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the act of making something known or revealed, particularly something surprising or previously unknown



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a moment in which one comes to a sudden realization

epifániá, felfedezés

epifániá, felfedezés

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the ability to comprehend or firmly understand a concept, idea, or piece of information

megértés, felfogás

megértés, felfogás

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the condition of being unable or unwilling to believe something



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the act of forming a personal understanding or mental image of something based on individual perception or analysis

értelmezés, magyarázat

értelmezés, magyarázat

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the action of predicting something to happen in the future

előrejelzés, várakozás

előrejelzés, várakozás

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the act of saying what one thinks is going to happen in the future or what the outcome of something will be

előrejelzés, jóslat

előrejelzés, jóslat

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a mental spark that drives unusual creativity or activity

inspiráció, alkotói szikra

inspiráció, alkotói szikra

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a general concept or idea that is not tied to any specific instance or physical form



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a notion or idea formed in the mind, representing a general understanding or mental image of something

felfogás, elképzelés

felfogás, elképzelés

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the process of carefully thinking about or discussing something in detail before making a decision

tárgyalás, gondolkodás

tárgyalás, gondolkodás

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a strong and uncontrollable interest or attachment to something or someone, causing constant thoughts, intense emotions, and repetitive behaviors



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a mental state achieved by maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of one's thoughts, feelings, etc., used as a therapeutic technique

figyelem, tudatosság

figyelem, tudatosság

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world view

a set of beliefs about the nature of the world and the place of humans within it

világnézet, világkép

világnézet, világkép

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a set of attitudes, beliefs, or a mental disposition that influences how a person interprets and responds to situations

elmeállapot, mentalitás

elmeállapot, mentalitás

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a belief that something is true without any proof

feltételezés, preszumpció

feltételezés, preszumpció

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a penetrating and profound understanding that goes beyond surface-level observations or knowledge

insight, mély megértés

insight, mély megértés

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hard to understand or explain

rejtélyes, zavaros

rejtélyes, zavaros

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arousing interest and curiosity due to being strange or mysterious

érdekes, rejtélyes

érdekes, rejtélyes

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having refined taste, elegance, and knowledge of complex matters

sokoldalú, finom

sokoldalú, finom

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feeling confused and having trouble thinking or reacting correctly

zavarodott, sokkolt

zavarodott, sokkolt

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paying close attention to one's surroundings or circumstances to stay aware of potential risks or threats

éber, figyelmes

éber, figyelmes

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confused or puzzled, often because of a complex or difficult situation or problem

zavarodott, zavart

zavarodott, zavart

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to ponder

to give careful thought to something, its various aspects, implications, or possibilities

töprengeni, megfontolni

töprengeni, megfontolni

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to contemplate

to think about or consider something as a possibility

tűnődni, fontolni

tűnődni, fontolni

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to reminisce

to remember past events, experiences, or memories with a sense of nostalgia

felidézni, múlandóságra emlékezni

felidézni, múlandóságra emlékezni

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to conceive

to produce a plan, idea, etc. in one's mind

megálmodni, elképzelni

megálmodni, elképzelni

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to mystify

to puzzle someone by being mysterious or difficult to understand

rejtélyesít, zavarba ejt

rejtélyesít, zavarba ejt

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to internalize

to incorporate or integrate information, beliefs, or values into one's own understanding or mindset

belsővé tesz, beilleszt

belsővé tesz, beilleszt

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to engross

to absorb all of someone's attention or time, captivating them completely

lefoglal, megigézni

lefoglal, megigézni

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to bewilder

to confuse someone, leaving them uncertain

zavarba ejt, megzavar

zavarba ejt, megzavar

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to consume

to completely occupy or fill the mind, often to the point of obsession or intense focus

fogyaszt, elnyel

fogyaszt, elnyel

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to contextualize

to think about something with regard to its condition and relating information so as to understand it better

kontekstualizálni, környezeti megfontolásba helyezni

kontekstualizálni, környezeti megfontolásba helyezni

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to attribute

to relate or assign a feature or quality to something or someone

tulajdonít, számon tart

tulajdonít, számon tart

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to fathom

to understand and make sense of something after giving it a lot of thought

megérteni, felfogni

megérteni, felfogni

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to faze

to unsettle someone, often leading them to lose their confidence or peace temporarily

megzavar, hullámvölgybe hoz

megzavar, hullámvölgybe hoz

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to bemuse

to confuse someone, often by being difficult to understand

zavarba ejt, meglep

zavarba ejt, meglep

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to surmise

to come to a conclusion without enough evidence

sejteni, felfogni

sejteni, felfogni

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to deem

to consider in a particular manner

tekinteni, vélt

tekinteni, vélt

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to credit

to acknowledge someone as the source, agent, or possessor of an action, achievement, or quality

tulajdonít, jóváír

tulajdonít, jóváír

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to imprint

to establish a lasting impression or memory of something in someone's mind

megörökít, nyomot hagy

megörökít, nyomot hagy

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to ascribe

to attribute a particular quality, cause, or origin to someone or something

tulajdonít, hozzárendel

tulajdonít, hozzárendel

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to decipher

to interpret or understand something that is difficult or unclear

dekódolni, értelmezni

dekódolni, értelmezni

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in a highly concentrated manner

koncentráltan, figyelmesen

koncentráltan, figyelmesen

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