
Successo - Vittoria

Immergiti negli idiomi inglesi riguardanti la vittoria, come "draw first blood" e "pulito".







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English idioms related to Success
to draw first blood

to be the first person or team that obtains an advantage over a competitor in any contest

prelevare il primo sangue

prelevare il primo sangue

to go one better than sb/sth

to excel in doing something compared to anyone else who has ever tried it

fare meglio di qualcuno

fare meglio di qualcuno

to clean one's clock

to defeat someone soundly or thoroughly in a competition or argument, often with the implication that the opponent had no chance of winning

Sconfiggi o picchiane uno

Sconfiggi o picchiane uno

ahead of the curve

superior to others in terms of advancement, achieving success, or modernity

davanti alla curva

davanti alla curva

to blow one's doors off

to achieve a significantly higher level of success compared to someone or something else

far saltare le porte

far saltare le porte

to get the best of sb/sth

to be able to beat someone or something due to being superior in terms of skill or strength

prendere il sopravvento

prendere il sopravvento

to build a better mousetrap

to manage to invent something that improves upon an existing concept or object

costruire una trappola per topi migliore

costruire una trappola per topi migliore

to have the edge (over) sb/sth

to be in a slightly better position when competing against someone else

avere il vantaggio

avere il vantaggio

to knock sb/sth out of the park

to achieve significantly better results compared to other people or things

eseguire qualcosa di insolitamente buono

eseguire qualcosa di insolitamente buono

to leave sb/sth in the dust

to defeat or outperform someone or something with ease

essere molto meglio di qualcuno o qualcosa

essere molto meglio di qualcuno o qualcosa

to leave sb/sth standing

to be much better, quicker, more successful etc. than someone or something else

infliggere un notevole distacco a

infliggere un notevole distacco a

one jump ahead

used to refer to someone who is slightly better in terms of being prepared, skilled, etc. when compared to someone or something else

essere un passo piu avanti

essere un passo piu avanti

to step up one's game

to increase one's level of effort, skill, or performance in a particular activity or area to achieve better results or compete more effectively

intensificare il proprio gioco

intensificare il proprio gioco

to be streets ahead of sb/sth

to deliver a much better performance compared to that of others'

essere di gran lunga superiore a

essere di gran lunga superiore a

to beat sb to the punch

to do something before someone else does it

battere al tempo

battere al tempo

clean sweep

a decisive victory in which a team or player achieves consecutive wins in any game, contest, or other similar events

vittoria schiacciante

vittoria schiacciante

to come out on top

to win an argument or other competitive situation

vieni fuori in cima

vieni fuori in cima

to win the day

to achieve success or victory in a particular situation or task

garantire il successo

garantire il successo

front runner

a person or thing that is ahead of others in a race or other competitive situation

qualcuno che ha molte probabilità di vincere

qualcuno che ha molte probabilità di vincere

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to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat

to achieve a victory or success despite initially seeming unlikely or impossible, particularly after experiencing a setback or failure

diventando improvvisamente vittorioso o di successo

diventando improvvisamente vittorioso o di successo

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by a nose

used to refer to a victory that is achieved only by a small margin

ottenendo la vittoria solo con un piccolo margine

ottenendo la vittoria solo con un piccolo margine

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to have (all) the aces

to be in an advantageous position when competing against someone else

avere tutti gli assi

avere tutti gli assi

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