Tempo - Durata
Esplora gli idiomi inglesi riguardanti l'intervallo e la durata con esempi come "down the road" e "many moons".
from a time that has begun a long ago
dai tempi che sono iniziati molto tempo fa
at a point in time as a process or action continues or is being carried out
in futuro
a work day that is short compared to total hours of most jobs
Il periodo di tempo tra le 10 del mattino e le 3 del pomeriggio
in the end of or over a long period of time
per un periodo relativamente lungo
used to describe a prolonged or indefinite period of time, often implying that something will continue for a very long duration
per molto tempo
used to refer to a long passage of time or a significant number of months or years
at an unspecified point during a series of events or a process
used to say that something has existed or been done for an extremely long time, to the point where its origin or beginning is unknown or forgotten